Update am 9. Dezember 2015: Bungie hat inzwischen die Patchnotes nachgereicht. Das Absolvieren des Nightfall-Strikes wird nun mit 500 Rufpunkten belohnt. Außerdem startete die Sparrow Racing League (neuer PvP-Modus), es gibt 14 neue Emotes im Shop die Titanenklassenbekamen Balance-Anpassungen spendiert. Nachfolgend die komplette Liste.
Patchnotes für Update 2.1 von Destiny
- The SRL event is live in the Tower until December 29th
- Talk to Amanda Holliday to get started on Sparrow Racing Quests and Bounties
- Race to unlock new SRL rewards
- Check out Eververse for a new stock of items
- Fixed some issues where the player could sometimes get stuck in a slow sprint speed
- Players can now use charged melee attacks while tethered by Hunter's Shadowshot ability
- Titan Melee: Extended Titan Melee range (+12.5%)
- Sunstrike: Decreased DOT Time (6.5s -> 5.5s)
- Hammer of Sol: Reduced Damage Resistance during Super (-9.09%)
- Hammer of Sol: Slowed Hammer travel speed by (-1.32%)
- Hammer of Sol: Reduced the ability to create never ending chain of explosions
- Forgemaster: Reduced Splash damage detonation radius multiplier) (-20%)
- Flameseeker: Turned down Hammer tracking bonus (-25%)
- Flameseeker: Removed +1 Recovery, and +1 Agility stat bonuses
- Fleetfire: Addeded +1 Agility stat
- Firekeeper: Added +1 Recovery stat
- Cauterize: Added cooldown (0s->3s)
Movement: Catapult Lift: Faster Initial velocity (+5%)
- Titan Melee: Extended Titan Melee range (+12.5%)
- Storm Fist: Increased base damage (+18.2%)
- Overload: Now also provides faster melee recharge (+50%)
- Discharge: Additional Damage (+7.69%)
- Discharge: Changed AOE to spherical shape
- Amplify: Increased Super energy bonus (+30%)
- Headstrong: Now also provides Faster Sprint
- Transfusion: Improved cooldown (5s->2s)
- Unstoppable: Now provides +2 Armor (+1 additional)
- Unstoppable: Increased damage resistance (+25%)
- Juggernaut: Improved Shield health (+14.3%)
- Juggernaut: Now works when airborne
Movement: Catapult Lift: Faster Initial velocity (+5%)
- Melee: Titan Melee: Extended Titan Melee range (+12.5%)
- Super: Ward of Dawn: Recharged Grenade and Melee Abilities on Super cast
- Movement: Catapult Lift: Faster Initial velocity (+5%)
Auto Rifles
- Small increase to base damage
- Low RoF (Suros Regime, An Answering Chord): 3% increase from previous base damage
- Med RoF (Zhalo Supercell, Paleocontact JPK-43): 7% increase from previous base damage
- High RoF (Arminius-D, Necrochasm): 4% increase from previous base damage
Pulse Rifles
- Reduced base damage
- Low RoF (The Messenger, Spare Change): 9% reduction from previous base damage
- Med RoF (Hawksaw, No Time To Explain, Red Death): 8% reduction from previous base damage
- High RoF (Bad Juju): 8% reduction from previous base damage
- Highest RoF (Grasp of Marok): 2% reduction from previous base damage
- Reduced damage falloff to start between Auto Rifle and Hand Cannon ranges
- A low range Pulse Rifle will have shorter damage falloff than an average Hand Cannon
- A high range Pulse Rifle will have farther damage falloff than an average Hand Cannon
- Increased base damage against AI combatants by roughly 5%
Hand Cannons: Increased ADS Accuracy for more reliable shooting at close to medium range
- Reduced damage falloff to start at melee lunge ranges
- Low range falloff starts at standard melee lunge
- High range falloff starts at Blink Strike lunge
- Final damage falloff extends 0.5 meters longer for a smoother drop
- Slower ready/put away time for all shotguns
- Additional recoil on weapon fire for all Stability values
- Slower reload speed for all Reload stat values
- Slower time to Aim Down Sights speed for all shotguns
- Slower movement speed when shotgun is held. Walk and Aim Down Sights movement is affected. Sprint is unaffected
- Add 2 frames delay when firing out of sprint
- Increased base damage against AI combatants by roughly 5%
- Fixed Kneepad perk on Hakke shotguns
Fusion Rifles
- Increased Charge Speed on fast charging Fusion Rifles. Reduce burst damage to compensate
- Fusion rifles behave more predictably based on player state
- Reduced Hip Fire Stability for all fusions
- Increased ADS and Crouched Stability for all fusions
- Reduction in carried inventory for all fusion rifles
- 10% increase to PvE damage bonus to offset
Sniper Rifles
- Extended Sniper Rifle damage falloff so damage only reduces on very long range shots
- Luck in the Chamber on Omolon Sniper Rifles now only buffs precision damage
Sidearms:Increased ready speed for all Sidearms
Swords:Arc and Void sword guard abilities can now survive a single Hammer of Sol
Destiny: König der Bessenen - Entwickler-Video zu den Sparrow-Rennen
- The First Curse
- The First Curse perk now refills the magazine when activated, provides better Stability, better Target Acquisition, and damage falloff starts further out while the perk remains active
- +25 to First Curse base range
- Fixed a bug where The First Curse perk would deactivate if the player summoned their Ghost
- Boost to Imprecation base range and Magazine Size
- Reduced base Range by 20
- Lucky bullets from Luck in the Chamber and Holding Aces now deal 1.2x bonus damage (was 1.3x bonus damage)
The Chaperone: Reduced base damage. Increase precision damage scalar.
Dragon's Breath
- Remove Pyromancer and Tripod perks
- Replaced with Surplus and Who's Next
- Add intrinsic perk Napalm: Rocket fires on a remote detonation trigger
- Hold to trigger to fire, release trigger to detonate
- Detonation drops a Solar Damage napalm canister
- Reduced projectile speed to help timing of the trigger release. Reduce detonation radius of initial rocket. Reduce mag size to 1, increase Inventory
Fabian Strategy
- Front Lines perk on Fabian Strategy no longer buffs Rate of Fire as a bonus modifier
- Front Lines now increases the base Rate of Fire stat to highest speed
- Damage per bullet is offset to match the High RoF archetype
- Remove Extended Mag perk and replaced with Flared Magwell
- Remove Small Bore perk and replaced with Rifled Barrel
- Increased base Reload and base Stability on the weapon to help offset the benefits the removed stat upgrade were providing
Black Spindle: Removed scope upgrades from Black Spindle talent grid (Spindle only has one scope) and replaced with Barrel upgrades
Super Good Advice
- Reduced chance that SGA returns ammo on missed shot by 20%
- Added a chance for SGA to pull inventory ammo into magazine on landed shot
Sleeper Simulant
- Maximum inventory ammo buffed (from 7 -> 9)
- Ammo swap exploit removed (weapon no longer converts one ammo from a different heavy weapon to a full inventory)
- Inventory no longer benefits from Fusion Rifle armor perks, but does benefit from Heavy Ammo armor perks
- Exotic Collector's Edition class armor may now be Infused and now has the Life Exotic perk to permit use with other Exotic Armor
- Fixed an issue where some Rare Leg armor was not granting its bonus ammo perks to certain exotics
- Fixed an issue where the Warlock Helm armor Salicin Fen II so it no longer uses a leg armor talent grid
- Taikonaut No longer turns off tracking for rocket launchers that have tracking
- ATS/8 Tarantella: Arc Damage Reduction applies to vehicles
- Achlyophage Symbiote: Time you can have golden gun active is reduced
- Nothing Manacles
- Slightly turned down the tracking on the scatter grenade
- No Backup Plans: Shotgun activating force barrier only works for defender titans
- Skull of Dire Ahamkara: Has been added to the Exotic Blueprint Collection
- Hive Ship: Various chests around the Hiveship will now grant Hadium Flakes instead of Wormspore
- Strikes: Will of Crota strike has been added to the Vanguard Strikes and Vanguard Heroic Strikes playlists
- Nightfall: Nightfalls now awards +500 Vanguard Rep on first completion per character per week
General: 3 of Coins are now applicable in Crucible playlists at match completions
- Zone Control scoreboard now sorts players based on "Advantage Kills" (kills when their team holds 2+ zones)
- Inferno Rumble now has the correct tooltip information
- Mercy Rule no longer applies to the Rumble playlist
- Rumble playlist must now be entered as a solo player
- Classic rumble will continue to allow Fireteams up to 3
- "Returning Victor" weekly bounty has been removed from rotation
- Fixed some issues where some bounties were not accurately reflecting the playlist/game type they must be completed in
- Heavy Ammo spawn locations have been moved away from the center of the map
- Fixed an issue with a small hole in the environment
Black Shield: Adjusted Alpha Team's Rift spawn location to make it slightly easier for Bravo to score
Crossroads: Fixed an issue where the teleporter would break for a player until they respawned
Frontier: Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment
- Fixed some issues where players were spawning in bad locations
- Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment
- Adjusted spawn locations for Rift game mode
Pantheon: Fixed some issues where players were spawning in view of an enemy
The Burning Shrine
- Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment
- Fixed some issues where players were spawning in view of an enemy
- Fixed an issue where some players able to perch in an unfair position on an interior wall
- Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment
- Fixed an issue where some players able to perch in an unfair position on an interior wall
- Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment
Inventory: Discarding an Exotic Shard now takes longer button press time to prevent mistaken discards
Audio: Fixed an issue where all sound was too loud across the game
Technical: Fixed a rare crash on Xbox One during sign on
Originalmeldung: Bungie rollt heute am 8. Dezember 2015 das Dezember-Update für Destiny aus. Der Patch soll um 19:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit verfügbar sein. Da es bereits letzte Woche Donnerstag länger andauernde Wartungsarbeiten gab, wird es heute vermutlich keine Pause geben - aus- und wieder einloggen dürfte reichen.
Der Patch 2.1 fügt dem Shooter neue Exotics hinzu, außerdem startet das PvP-Event Sparrow Racing League, in dem ihr mit eurem Schwebegleiter Rennen fahren und unter anderem 320er Items als Belohnung einsacken könnt. Im Eververse-Trading-Shop sind nach dem Update zudem 14 neue Emotes erhältlich.
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