Die Studios hinter Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 und Call of Duty Warzone haben ein Update für die beiden Shooter veröffentlicht. Dieser steht seit dem 19. November zum Download bereit und sollte sich automatisch installieren, wenn ihr eure Konsolen das nächste Mal startet.
Eine der größten Neuerungen ist sicherlich die Rückkehr der Legacy-XP-Token. Diese waren schon mit dem Season 1-Update ins Spiel gekommen, kurz danach aber wieder entfernt worden, weil sie für einen User-Interface-Bug sorgten. Wer also in den letzten CoD-Teilen Double-XP-Token gesammelt hat, kann diese nun in Black Ops 6 und Warzone einsetzen.
Weitere Anpassungen und Fixes:
- Die minimale Sprintzeit, die für bestimmte Omnimovement-Aktionen notwendig ist, wurde etwas verringert (Black Ops 6 & Warzone).
- Nachladezeiten für Sturmgewehre und leichte Maschinengewehre wurden reduziert (Black Ops 6 & Warzone).
- Anpassungen der Hitmarker (Black Ops 6 & Warzone)
- etc.
CoD Black Ops 6: Launch-Trailer zur Season 1 zeigt einige der neuen Inhalte in Aktion
Alle englischen Patch Notes zum CoD-Update im Überblick
In den beiden Kästen unten findet ihr alle englischsprachigen Patch Notes zum aktuellen Update für Black Ops 6 und Warzone im Überblick.
Black Ops 6
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- Reduced the minimum sprint time required to perform the following actions: dive-to-prone or slide.
- Addressed an issue that could result in being unable to sprint when performing several actions within a short amount of time.
- Players will no longer be taken out of sprint when taking forward-facing bullet damage with a Melee weapon equipped.
- Terminus
- Addressed an issue where zombies could spawn indefinitely.
- Liberty Falls
- Addressed an issue where players would not be removed from a Chopper Gunner when starting the Main Quest Final Encounter.
Directed Mode
- Exfil will now be triggered at the fifth hour of a Directed Mode Match due to a performance issue.
- Addressed an issue that allowed GobbleGums to persist indefinitely.
- Added various stability fixes.
Legacy XP Tokens
- Updated Black Ops 6 to support legacy XP token functionality
- Improved hitmarker UI to help identify individual shots more easily.
- Addressed an issue where weapon sights would be misaligned with the Weaver Repairman Operator Skin equipped.
- Improved the loading of Tracer and Inspect preview videos for weapons.
- Added several missing language translations when swapping attachments.
- Improved steering in reverse with View-Based vehicle controls.
- Addressed an unintentional bug where MWII and MWIII camos could be applied to Black Ops 6 weapons. Camos from previous titles were not designed for Black Ops 6 weapons and attachments and are not supported due to visual inconsistencies.
- Addressed an issue where some Perk bags were not displaying when creating loadouts.
- Various stability fixes.
- Added additional information for the current saved game in the map selection menu.
- Various stability improvements.
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- Weapon Trade Stations
- Reduced the chances of receiving Specialist Perk Pack.
- Removed Care Package Killstreaks as a trade-in reward.
- Movement
- Reduced the minimum sprint time required to perform the following actions: dive-to-prone or slide.
- Fixed an issue that could result in being unable to sprint when performing several actions within a short amount of time.
- Reload times for Black Ops 6 Assaults Rifles and Light Machine Guns are reduced by 10%.
Fixed an issue that caused Winner’s Circle emotes to play without audio.
Fixed an issue that allowed players to redeploy with the Specialist Perk Pack still active.
- Legacy XP Tokens
- Updated Black Ops 6 to support legacy XP token functionality.
- Updated Black Ops 6 to support legacy XP token functionality.
- Hitmarkers
- Improved hitmarker UI to help identify individual shots more easily.
- Improved hitmarker UI to help identify individual shots more easily.
- Store
- Improved the loading of Tracer and Inspect preview videos for weapons.
- Fixed an issue that caused shotguns to have longer damage ranges than intended.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to earn more XP in Battle Royale than intended.
- Fixed an issue where weapon sights would be misaligned with the Weaver Repairman Operator Skin equipped.
- Fixed an unintentional bug where MWII and MWIII camos could be applied to Black Ops 6 weapons.
Black Ops 6: Puget Lakes-Fehlermeldung auf PlayStation möglich
Wie unter anderem auf X/Twitter geteilt wird, kann es auf der PlayStation kurz nach dem Update zu Login-Problemen und der berühmt-berüchtigten "Puget Lakes"-Fehlermeldung kommen. Diese Probleme seien allerdings nur von kurzer Dauer und spätestens dann behoben, sobald das Update vollständig installiert ist.
Link zum Twitter-Inhalt
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 ist seit dem 25. Oktober für die PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC erhältlich, Season 1 startete am 14. November auf allen Plattformen, wobei etliche Änderungen speziell bei Warzone für Unmut in der Community sorgten.
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