Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 startet demnächst in die erste Season, aber vorher gibt es bereits das erste große Update mit umfangreichen Änderungen. In den Patch Notes stecken einige Verbesserungen und Bugfixes, Multiplayer-Fans dürften aber wohl vor allem die Maßnahmen interessieren, die das Waffen-Balancing betreffen und auch da tut sich einiges.
Call of Duty Black Ops 6-Update bringt Änderungen am Waffen-Balancing
Darum geht's: Call of Duty wäre nicht Call of Duty, wenn es keine kleineren Probleme und Bugs zum Launch geben würde. Dementsprechend rollen jetzt die Bugfixes an und Activision beziehungsweise Treyarch und Co. kümmern sich um fehlerhafte Spawns, Anzeigeprobleme und Waffen, die nicht so schießen, wie sie schießen sollen.
CoD Black Ops 6 bringt mit Nuketown einen echten Map-Klassiker zurück - Gameplay-Szenen im Trailer
Diese Änderungen stecken im Update:
- Stabilität wurde verbessert
- Fortschritt soll jetzt richtig angezeigt werden
- Operatoren: Im Auswahlmenü hält Bailey jetzt seine Pistole
- Multiplayer:
- Maps: Nuketown kann jetzt in privaten Matches gespielt werden.
- Modi: Spieler*innen können jetzt ihre Loadouts korrekt auswählen, wenn sie einer Runde beitreten und werden nicht direkt ohne Waffen ins Spiel geworfen.
- Spawns sollen verbessert worden sein und besser funktionieren.
- Loadouts: Ihr sterbt jetzt nicht mehr, wenn ihr euer Loadout wählt und bekommt auch nicht automatisch euer vorheriges zugewiesen.
- Waffen: Assault Rifles/Sturmgewehre und SMGs erfahren die größten Anpassungen. ARs machen jetzt weniger Kopfschuss-Schaden auf geringe Distanz und SMGs können mehr auf mittlere Entfernungen.
Das sind die Waffen-Änderungen des Updates im Detail:
Die Patch Notes zu den Assault Rifles aka Sturmgewehren in CoD Black Ops 6
Das hat sich an der XM4-Assault Rifle geändert:
Bei der AK-74 sieht es folgendermaßen aus:
AMES 85-Spieler*innen dürften diese Werte interessieren:
GPR 91 und Model L ändern sich so:
Last, but not least: Goblin Mk2 und AS VAL dürfen auch nicht fehlen.
Die Patch Notes zu den SMGs in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
C9 und KSV bekommen diese neuen Werte verpasst:
Tanto .22 und PP-919 bekommen eine bessere Reichweite:
Jackal PDW und Kompakt 92 haben jetzt diese Zahlenwerte:
Hier findet ihr die restlichen (englischen) Patch Notes
Die ganzen Zahlen und Bilder stammen selbstverständlich vom offiziellen Call of Duty-Blog. Ihr findet die verbliebenen Patch Notes aber auch hier nochmal im englischsprachigen Original:
- Updated Safehouse rewards to indicate correct Game/Mode compatibility.
- Addressed several issues causing extreme positive or negative currency values.
- Players that encountered this issue will be placed at a set amount of 5,000 to resume upgrade and reward functionality while we investigate this issue.
- Addressed a variety of crashes across the campaign.
- Addressed an issue that caused autosaves at the start of Most Wanted to corrupt save data.
- Addressed an issue causing water to flicker at certain distances.
- Improved stability when interacting with the Message of the Day.
- Improved stability when sending voice communications.
- Completion display will now properly appear when completing Prestige Challenges in both Multiplayer and Zombies.
- Addressed an issue where Bailey wasn’t holding an intended Pistol in the Operator selection menu.
- Nuketown
- Nuketown is now available in Private Matches.
- Addressed an issue where players were spawned in when joining a session in progress instead of spectating before selecting a Loadout. Yes, we saw ourselves in a Killcam before selecting a Loadout too.
- Improved stability in Infected game mode.
- General spawn logic tuning across several maps for improved spawning.
Spawn tuning will be an ongoing process of taking in data, reviewing gameplay and making measured adjustments in the live environment. Our number one goal is to always provide the safest spawn that we can across all maps and game modes.
- Addressed an issue where players would automatically equip their previously used Loadout when joining matches already in progress.
- Addressed an issue where Players would die at initial spawn when selecting their Loadout.
It’s been awesome seeing players discover and share their favorite weapon builds during the first week of launch. Every day we monitor both player feedback and game data to keep tabs on how the weapon meta is evolving and prepare for a comprehensive tuning pass in Season 01.
We have seen the discussions about the relative balance of Assault Rifles and Submachine Guns, and we are making some early, general changes to adjust their effective ranges. For ARs, we are pulling in minimum damage ranges and lessening the impact of headshots at close range. SMGs are receiving damage range increases to improve their mid-range effectiveness.
Last week, we fixed an issue with shotgun Slugs, but we are still working on an additional issue causing this attachment to perform better in hip fire than intended. Slugs are meant to offer an alternate playstyle for shotguns that trades close quarters effectiveness for improved range and precision. We are removing the ability for Slugs to one-hit kill to the body for now and will be revisiting the overall tuning of this attachment in an upcoming update.
- Marine SP
- Slug attachment Max Damage reduced from 106 to 92.
- ASG-89
- Slug attachment Max Damage reduced from 106 to 92.
- Recon Combat Specialty
- Reduced duration that enemies are highlighted after respawning from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds. An additional reduction will be coming before Season 01.
- Resolved an issue that allowed players to activate Recon Combat Specialty by changing Loadouts.
- Dispatcher
- Increased Dispatcher Perk score cost for UAV from 500 to 550.
- Increased Dispatcher Perk score cost for Counter UAV from 550 to 600.
As we head into Season 1, we are continuing to observe data and feedback for Perks and Combat Specialties in Multiplayer. Currently, Enforcer is the most popular Combat Specialty with Recon in second place. It's not just about the data though, as your feedback is a critical part of how we approach tuning of the live game. With that said, we are making some spot adjustments today as we as we continue to take a holistic look at our Perks and Combat Specialties moving forward.
- Flashbang
- Reduced Flashbang Tactical screen effect duration by 20%.
- Increased health of UAV and Counter UAV (rockets to destroy remain unchanged).
- Increased initial explosion radius of Napalm Strike.
- Reduced the initial entry delay of the LDBR.
- Increased the fly-in speed of the Strategic Bomber.
- Reduced score cost for Interceptors from 1250 to 1150.
Movement Updates
- Adjusted stance change cooldowns to reduce effectiveness of repeated prone to stand movement (enough snaking).
XP Earn Rates
- Adjusted Player XP and Weapon XP earn rates for most modes to ensure that players are being rewarded for their match performance as expected wherever they play. These changes include:
- Increased Weapon XP earn rates for most modes
- Increased Player XP earn rates for the following modes:
- Team Deathmatch
- Control
- Search & Destroy
- Gunfight
- Slight decrease to Player XP and Weapon XP earned in Face Off modes
- Addressed an issue where players were able to complete the Nuke Challenge while dying.
- Appropriate Perks will now display when viewing the featured player during Best Play.
- NOTE: The following fixes were live this morning at 10 am/PT but were missed in our initial draft of the Patch Notes.
- When activating the HARP Scorestreak, the minimap will now display the correct facing direction of the enemies.
- Using the “Remove” hotkey Gunsmith will now properly remove cosmetics.
- Addressed an issue where incorrect player levels were shown during Killcam, Best Play, and the Scoreboard.
- Weapon Level Up Reward Cards in the After Action Report will now properly show XP reward information.
Known Issues
- Gunsmith
- We are investigating an issue where any equipped Optic attachment is removed when when entering the Gunsmith in Main Menus.
- Players will not notice this issue if entering Gunsmith during a match.
- Players can equip Optic attachments, but will need to re-equip them anytime they enter Gunsmith in a Main Menu to adjust attachments or customizations.
- In cases where an Optic is locked and equipped via a Blueprint, players will need to reapply the Blueprint to obtain the Optic.
- We are investigating an issue where any equipped Optic attachment is removed when when entering the Gunsmith in Main Menus.
- GobbleGum names will now properly update when switching between tier tabs.
NOTE: The following fixes were live this morning at 10 am/PT but were missed in our initial draft of the Patch Notes.
- Closed an exploit that allowed moving the Tactical Raft while the player is inside of it.
- Added various stability fixes.
Jetzt seid wie immer ihr dran, die GamePro-Community. Wir fragen uns nicht nur, ob ihr schon fleißig Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 spielt und welche Waffen ihr dabei am liebsten benutzt, sondern natürlich auch, was ihr von den Änderungen in diesem Update und den Patch Notes haltet. Findet ihr die Maßnahmen passend oder eher nicht und welche Änderungen würdet ihr euch sonst noch wünschen?
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