2021 neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu, und DICE versucht auf den letzten Metern Battlefield 2042 einen guten Start in das kommende Jahr zu bescheren. Schon heute wird das dritte Update für den Shooter veröffentlicht, und es ist das bislang größte. Mehr als 300 Bugs und Fehler sollen mit dem Patch behoben werden. Nebenbei gibt es auch Balancing-Optimierungen und Quality-of-Life-Verbesserungen für ein angenehmeres Spielerlebnis. In den kommenden Tagen soll noch ein kleineres Update folgen.
Das steckt im heutigen Battlefield 2042-Update
Battlefield 2042 ist noch nicht einmal zwei Wochen auf dem Markt und bekommt also schon den dritten Patch. Der erste war das obligatorische Day-1-Update, das unter anderem die übermächtigen Luftkissenboote anpasste. In der letzten Woche folgte dann Update 2, mit dem weitere Fahrzeuge einem Nerf unterzogen wurden und das Blooming einiger Waffen reduziert wurde.
Patch Nummer 3 kümmert sich in erster Linie um Bugs und Fehler. Wie dem offiziellen Blog-Post zu entnehmen ist, soll sich das Gameplay nach dem Download deutlich flüssiger anfühlen. Hierfür wurden Spawns gefixt und optische Glitches sowie Probleme mit der Kollision beseitigt. Natürlich werden mit den Waffen, Fahrzeugen und Specialists auch wieder die Hauptaspekte einer jeden Battlefield-Schlacht weiter optimiert.
Neue Missionen kommen: Season 1 von Battlefield 2042 geht bekanntlich erst 2022 an den Start. Bis es soweit ist, möchte DICE uns mit neuen Missionen bei der Stange halten. Jeweils drei dieser speziellen Challenges soll es alle sieben Tage geben – los geht es in der kommenden Woche. Als Belohnung winken XP und besondere kosmetische Items.
Der Portal-Modus erfährt eine ganze Liste an Optimierungen:
Battlefield Portal - Trailer zeigt neue Szenen aus klassischen Battlefield-Maps
Weitere aktuelle News zu Battlefield 2042:
- Battlefield 2042: Dank Portal könnt ihr jetzt schon Battle Royale spielen
- Battlefield 2042 bietet jetzt Team Deathmatch mit Bad Company 2 vs Battlefield 3
- Massive Balancing-Probleme in Battlefield 2042: Sniper-Gewehr killt Panzer schneller als RPG
Alle Patch-Notes zum Battlefield 2042-Update 3
- The Recent Players screen now include everyone from previous matches to allow for easier user reporting
- Made improvements to the “Interaction” system by switching the default “INTERACT” text on multiple interactions to reflect the action you are about to do, i.e. “OPEN CONTAINER”, “CALL ELEVATOR”
- Resolved Kaleidoscope server room lighting issue
- Resolved an issue related to the velocity / trajectory while spawning in jets
- Improved helicopter animation in level fly-bys during insertion
- Improvements to address an issue where players killed in vehicles would fall beneath level geometry
- Improvements to streaming assets in deploy screen presentation
- Player no longer gets stuck in a zipline/rope after exiting a vehicle after entering it too close to a zipline or rope
- Exiting an open seat early in the enter animation no longer causes your aim pitch to lock up
- Correct field of view is applied immediately following insertion sequences
User Interface
- Improved the Collection screens, making them easier to use and clear as to what you’re interacting with
- Improved the ways in which you’re able to manage your attachments via the Collection screen to reduce the number of interactions you need to have when building your loadouts
- Enhancements to our Player Card screen and End of Round (EOR) to provide additional polish
- Added new markers to make your newly unlocked items easier to find
- Improved screen transitions when entering and returning to the Main Menu
- Improved Report a Player flows, specifically around toxicity and cheating reports
- The in-game scoreboard now properly scales to match screen safe-zone settings
- Fixed instances where the scroll function didn’t work in the Options screens
- Implemented Focus restoration for screens so the focused button is remembered when re-entering a screen
- Fixed visual effects remain on screen during End of Round
- CommoRose
- Improved responsiveness of CommoRose opening
- Fixed inactive objectives showing in the CommoRose for defenders in Rush & Breakthrough
- Fixed objectives not showing in the CommoRose for attackers in Rush
Matchmaking & Friends
- Improved the experience between EOR and the Main Menu
- Improved Matchmaking reliability and reduced instances of Matchmaking failed
- Improved Crossplay invite flows
- Fixed Rich presence update issues, ensuring that your friends are better able to track where you are in Game
- Addressed servers getting stuck in unresponsive game states, where rounds fail to properly start
- Fixes to Friend Invitations for players on PC
- Fixed an issue where the friends list was sometimes not fully up to date
Progression and Unlocks
- Introduction of weekly missions, providing set challenges that reward cosmetic unlocks
- Added 1st match bonus of 1000 Dark Market Credits for Hazard Zone
- Improved overall XP/Rank tracking and reliability
- Improved Mastery rank tracking
- Improved reliability of Player card tracking
- The required level to unlock an item is no longer visible once the item is unlocked
- Fixed a bug where Mastery Badges weren’t displaying within the Portal Collection menu
- Fixed an issue that was not properly awarding XP for Angel resupplies
- 3D preview of vehicles now displays the correct customizations in the Collection menu
- Added a notification when reaching a new Player Card Badge tier
- Added a notification when reaching a new Mastery tier
- Addressed a variety of visual flickering and stuttering issues
- Improvements to water rendering when Aiming Down Sight (ADS)
- Added sight definition for iron sights to allow correct ADS for the VCAR
- Leaving ADS is now smoother than before on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles
- Addressed multiple graphical issues affecting water reflections
- Addressed an issue with character rendering for players joining a match in progress
- Made improvements to artifacts affecting DLSS implementation
- Fixed flickering in the oasis water in El Alamein on deploy
- Fixed animations sometimes glitching when picking up a weapon from the ground
- Fixed Aircrafts sometimes showing up with wrong landing gear visuals
- Fixed issue that would cause incorrect bullet impact effects when shooting near water
- Fixed Ju-87 Stuka Gunner Seat firing visual effects not aligning properly with the airplane
- Shifted PSO-1 Scope forward on AN94 to prevent clipping into screen while idle
- Fixed skinning issues for several PP-29 Weapon Skins
- Over 150 individual fixes, small changes, and improvements across all of our Maps
- Improved level geometry issues across all levels addressing issues such players getting snagged or trapped
- Resolved multiple spawning issues
- Resolved visual glitches such as lens flare, visible seams in skydome
- Resolved a large number of collision and placement issues
- Addressed issues affecting local audio placement in multiple Maps
Battlefield Hazard Zone
- Made improvements to visual presentation of Dark Market Credits
- Modified the Squad and Player Screen to remove enemy squad names
- Modified the Scoreboard to no longer show connected enemy players
- Added additional flares to Extraction Zone, offering players better visibility of extraction area, as well as providing additional cover
- Added new spawn locations for initial Data Capsules
- Increased the amount of Data Drives initial Data Capsules can contain
- Made improvements to the Data Drive Scanner’s accuracy and enemy identification
- Resolved an issue where two teams could extract simultaneously
- Resolved warnings to alert players they’re being scanned sometimes not appearing
- Made it easier to interact with Data Drive pick-ups
- Added a distance read-out for the next available Extraction Point
- Improved the end-of-round camera placement
- The “Modify” button in the lobby now takes you back to the Perk tab
- Initial Data Capsules now only spawn a maximum of 4-6 Opposing Forces
- Drones inside the extraction Condor will now be destroyed upon leaving
- Added XP for completely eliminating an enemy squad
- The Redeploy icon is now part of the soldier and vehicle world icon
- Fixed players sometimes being able to pick up more than their max capacity of Data Drives
- Fixed instances where the Round Bonus XP was inaccurate and the End of Round was not triggering correctly
- Fixed an issue where the countdown in the lobby would not start if the player was tabbed out
- Reduced width of lobby summary information
- Added an animation and audio cue when the player’s Remaining Balance changes in the lobby
- Combined Tactical Items tab into a single tab in the lobby
- Made lock icon visuals more clear while in the lobby
- Added an option to Quit from the waiting for players to join and pre-round lobby menu
- Fixed an issue in the lobby that made it difficult to understand what Tactical Items are being selected
- Fixed an issue where voice over would get cut off too early at the end of round
- Fixed issues with voice over heard by extracting players
- Fixed issues with random audio triggers for the Data Drive Scanner
- Fixed missing music when squad gets eliminated
Battlefield Portal
- Added Server Info for the Pause Menu
- Added support for reporting a server from the Pause Menu
- Added support for server admins to write periodic server messages
- Simplified the Server Settings screen design
- Fixed an issue where bullet spread would be too high when trying to fire while zoomed right after sprinting for some Portal weapons
- Fixed maximum human players displaying incorrectly in the Modifiers Tab for FFA game modes
- Added different loading music based on which Portal map is loading
- Setting a low Max Health multiplier for vehicles will no longer cause them to spawn in on fire
- Aircraft within Portal now display their equipped missiles and bombs correctly
- Added a UI indicator for Rush to show when the next sector will start
- Fixed a visual issue while reloading several Launchers (RPG-7, SMAW, Bazooka, Panzerschreck)
Builder additions
- Rush game mode layouts for all 2042 All-Out Warfare maps (through Portal)
- New official Vehicle Team Deathmatch game mode
- New official Team & FFA Gun Master templates
- New official Infection template
- Rules Editor
- Added the ability to detect what players were killed with in order to apply additional Logic
- Enable the portal SetTeamId block to be usable with AI
Battlefield 1942
- Fixed spotting issues for the Binoculars
- Fixed an issue that caused the M3 Halftrack and Sd. Kfz 251 Halftrack to sometimes dip into the terrain
- Fixed an issue that caused the 9K22 Tunguska-M to take too much damage from some vehicle MG’s
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
- Improved the M416 reload animation
- The Tracer Dart now locks successfully on tagged vehicle
- Mortar Strike can no longer be fired while not zoomed
- Additional tuning to the UAV-1
Battlefield 3
- Fixed a bug that could cause the M3A3 Bradley primary and APFSDS-T Shells to continue firing uninterrupted
- Fixed a bug that prevented the SOFLAM and MAV gadgets maintaining their previous aim direction when a player re-entered them
- Fixed a bug that caused the MAV, EOD Bot and SOFLAM gadgets to show a preview model after it had already been placed
- Added new and classic voice over lines for damaging/killing an enemy with a Defibrillator using BF3 Assault characters
- The Mi-28 Havoc and AH-64 Apache Rocket Pods now have the same reload time
- EOD Bot now has a Vehicle Status Icon to assist with driver orientation
- Rebalanced the Su-35BM Flanker-E to match the health of other jets
- The FGM-148 Javelin now has two distinct firing types
- Balancing pass on C-RAM and Pantsir stationary
- Increased the reload time for Guided Rocket
- Fixed passive spotting issues for the MAV
UX Improvements
- Made a series of visual, audio, and gameplay improvements to weapons, vehicles, and gadgets
- Improved the Plus Menu customization experience
- Fixed navigational issues on the Player Card Collection screen
- Added a new Options to select damage the indicator color for soldiers and vehicles
- Added a new crosshair option to change damage indicator shape thickness between: Thin – Medium – Thick’
- Replaced the “Accessibility” button in the Experience Selection with “Accessibility & Options”
- Fixed the color picker preview in Options menu often showing black, instead of the actual color
- Pinged objects now remain visible when occluded
- Tuned information spamming in Conquest, reducing the amount of messages that appear in the world log. In particular we reduced messages about flag state changes so that they’re not as distracting
- Tuned capture times for Breakthrough
- Improved out of bounds defender spawning in Breakthrough to ensure easier safe spawning
- Made improvements to the Breakthrough UI to enable you to better track round progress in the form of a Game Mode Widget
- The Game Mode Widget inside the Scoreboard has been updated to put emphasis on sectors and attackers reinforcements. Note that it only displays while playing Breakthrough and Rush
- Elapsed time is now added and trackable in both the Scoreboard & Deploy Screen.
- Added a pulsating effect on the Team 1 (attacker) score and progress bar when their tickets are =< 25% of their initial tickets. This is also present in the GMW in the HUD, Scoreboard and Deploy Screen for both Rush and Breakthrough
- Made UI improvements to indicate when the attacking team has reached the last sector
- Made UI improvements to indicate when the defending team loses a sector
- Fixed an issue that could cause the End of Round screen to display inaccurate scores for the attacking team
Battlefield 2042 ist für PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One und PC erhältlich.
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