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Der Release von Battlefield 2042 steht kurz bevor, und die Community fiebert dem Shooter gespannt aber auch ein wenig bange entgegen. Einerseits soll das Spiel eine Art Wiederbelebung der Battlefield-Reihe werden. Andererseits gab es in der Beta einige Probleme. Und nicht alle Bugs und Fehler werden pünktlich zum Launch behoben werden, wie DICE und EA in einem Blog-Post bekannt gaben.
Das sind alle bekannten Bugs in Battlefield 2042
Die Entwickler*innen entschuldigen sich schon im Voraus für alle Probleme, die sie nicht rechtzeitig zum Release beseitigen konnten. Das Team habe „extrem hart daran gearbeitet, Battlefield 2042 in einen möglichst geschmeidigen und lohnenswerten Zustand zu bekommen“. Und schließlich sei „kein Launch jemals ohne Fehler“.
So könnt ihr Bugs melden: Wenn ihr selbst auf Fehler trefft, solltet ihr diese an DICE weitergeben, damit die Devs Maßnahmen ergreifen können. Hierfür geht ihr in den Bereich für Bug-Reports. Sollte es Probleme mit den Nutzer-Konten geben, müsst ihr euch direkt an EA wenden.
Alle Bugs in der Übersicht
Für Punkte, die mit einem * gekennzeichnet sind, wird bereits an einer Lösung gearbeitet
- All Platforms - We have identified some server instances of rubberbanding when the big silos on Breakaway are destroyed*
- All Platforms - On the mode Breakthrough, players will be unable to spawn on B1 while it is contested*
- All Platforms - Bridge destruction states have a tendency to desync if the player joins at a late stage in the round*
- All Platforms - On the mode, Breakthrough, players will be unable to spawn on B1 while it is contested*
- PC, Xbox Series X|S & PlayStation 5 - There are some rare instances of visual flickering while playing on Discarded*
- PlayStation 5 - Within the Weather Station on Manifest, while the building is in a destroyed state there are rare instances that can cause severe flickering of our lighting systems, which has the potential to trigger those with Photosensitive Conditions*
- All Platforms - We are aware of some miscellaneous issues causing players to become stuck within world geometry* Several of these are being fixed for a patch after launch, please continue to report any scenario where you get stuck in the maps!
- All Platforms - In some situations, Bots are unable to revive downed players*
- All Platforms - We’re aware of Ranger malfunctioning when ordered over some obstacles, and we are working to improve this.
- All Platforms - Ranger can become non-responsive to “Go To” orders if the player is far away from Ranger, and we are similarly working to improve this.
- All Platforms - The Lock-on sound effect for helicopters can continue after the Helicopter has been destroyed*
User Interface & Messaging
- All Platforms - There is currently no error message to indicate to the player that the game is still installing*
- All Platforms - Subtitles are not present on video tutorials even if the subtitle setting is ON*
- Battlefield Portal - Loadouts have a slight tendency to not save when entering or leaving a match*
- Battlefield Hazard Zone - When starting a second round, unlocks from the previous round are triggered during the intro sequence*
- All Platforms - When returning back to the main menu after a match, Specialist’s textures may be slow to load*
- All Platforms - The "Vertical Sync" option does not have any effect when activated while using a 144hz monitor*
- All Platforms - "View Profile" option is not present in "Search EA ID" between same-platform Xbox Series S|X and PlayStation 5 players*
- All Platforms - We’re aware of a unique situation where accounts that have access to Battlefield 2042 across multiple platforms may cause Cross Play Friends to not appear*
- All Platforms - The attackers playercard doesn't load after getting killed by another player*
- All Platforms - Sprint/Boost hint text is currently misleading*
Progression & Unlocks
- All Platforms - The rank displayed in the bottom right of the Main Menu does not always update with the player's actual rank achieved after an Online session. We’re working to resolve this issue and will follow up with further updates at a later time.
- All Platforms - Weapon Skins are unlocked but will show an incomplete progress bar until the game has been restarted* Restarting the game will fix this for you, however a fix has been made for an upcoming update.
- All Platforms - All Locked Character / Weapon / Vehicle skins are missing their Mastery Rank target*
- All Platforms - The “Fly Not Ye Cowards” Playercard Art unlock objective is currently incorrect, you will need to visit two locations on El Alamein, in the same life, to unlock this*
- All Platforms - EMP Mine is currently incorrectly labelled. We will be renaming this to EMP Grenades at a later date.
- All Platforms - Some skins are applying over weapon charms. We’re working to fix this as soon as possible.
- All Platforms - The Mastery bar won't show for hardware items until T5 is unlocked*
- PlayStation 5 - The Med-Pen Mastery Badge is not currently tracking progress after Rank 25*
- PlayStation 5 - Captain Caspian Playercard Background is not unlocked after completing its criteria*
Weapons & Gadgets
Recon Drone
- All Platforms - Players are currently unable to deploy the OV-P Recon Drone while prone*
- PC - The OV-P Recon Drone is not currently locking onto enemy targets or vehicles*
XDR Holo Sight
- All Platforms - We’re aware of some instances of flickering when ADS with the XDR Holo Sight*
- All Platforms - On rare occasions, vertical aiming in a vehicle can be inoperable upon vehicle entry*
- All Platforms - Some vehicles may not have controller vibration when used*
- All Platforms - We’re aware of some vehicles not having RTAO (Ray-traced Ambient Occlusion)*
MD540 Nightbird
- All Platforms - Rockets from the MD540 Nightbird that impact the ground can sometimes appear as being frozen*
- All Platforms - Parachutes sometimes remain open, even after the player has landed. This will be improved upon in an upcoming update.
Hazard Zone
- PC - We’re aware of players experiencing an issue with mouse input when it comes to selecting a Specialist within Hazard Zone. While we are working to resolve this in an upcoming patch, players can bypass this by selecting their chosen Specialist with the spacebar.
- All Platforms - Players are currently unable to revive downed teammates if they are inside the MV38-Condor (at Extraction Point)*
- All Platforms - We’re aware of some rare instances of the Extraction Streak not updating after multiple extractions have taken place*
Battlefield Portal
- Battlefield Builder / Web - We're aware of messaging taking place upon the creation of an Experience that suggests you were "Unable to Create" the Experience. This is incorrect, the Experience is created, and refreshing your page will resolve this. - We are working to resolve this as soon as possible.
Der Map-Trailer stimmt euch auf die Action von Battlefield 2042 ein:
Battlefield 2042 - Neues Gameplay-Video stellt euch drei weitere Maps vor
Weitere aktuelle News zu Battlefield 2042:
- Battlefield 2042 kommt zum Release wohl mit enttäuschend wenig Waffen
- Battlefield 2042 Trophäen-Leak: Viel Arbeit und typische Battlefield-Momente
- Battlefield 2042: Wall-Hack und reflektierte Kugeln – Fans halten Specialist-Fähigkeiten für OP
Launch von Battlefield 2042 steht kurz bevor
Offiziell erscheint Battlefield 2042 am 19. November für PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One und PC. Wer Zugriff auf den Early Access hat, darf jedoch schon heute, am 12. November, in die Schlacht ziehen. Hierfür benötigt ihr ein Abo bei EA Play oder müsst die Ultimate Edition vorbestellen. Der Preload sollte inzwischen auf allen Plattformen bereit stehen.
Und wann kommt der GamePro-Test? Pünktlich zum Release von Battlefield 2042 sollte es eine umfangreiche Einschätzung mit Tendenz geben. Die finale Review mit Wertung folgt dann wenige Tage später, wenn der Multiplayer unter realen Bedingungen getestet werden konnte.
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