Das für diesen April versprochene Update zur Shooter-Sammlung Halo: The Master Chief Collection steht ab sofort zum Download bereit. Dies hat der Entwickler 343 Industries jetzt auf der offiziellen Webseite bekannt gegeben.
Neben einigen diversen Bugfixes, Änderungen bei den Rankings sowie Verbesserungen bei der allgemeinen Stabilität der Spiele gibt es ab sofort Strafen bei sogenannten Rage-Quits. Wenn jemand beispielsweise eine laufende Ranked-Partie verlässt, wird dies umgehend aus Niederlage gewertet. Sollte bei einem Spieler solch ein Verhalten öfter vorkommen, werden Sanktionen gegen ihn verhängt, zu denen 343 Industries jedoch bisher keine Details genannt hat.
Mehr: Der Test von Halo: The Master Chief Collection auf GamePro.de
Die vollständigen Patch-Notes findet ihr wie gewohnt unterhalb dieser Meldung.
Patch-Notes für Halo: The Master Chief Collection
- Made a variety of improvements to ranking consistency and penalties.
- Resolved an issue that could cause a player to rank down excessively, such as dropping multiple levels after a loss.
- Resolved an issue that caused a player’s rank to appear incorrectly.
Quitting & Betrayals
- In ranked playlists, quitting a match is now treated the same as a loss. Quitting is defined as exiting the game in any fashion. If you quit a match, your ranking will be impacted, and this may result in dropping a level.
- All quits and betrayals are being tracked automatically, and action is being taken against offending players who commit these offenses more than what is considered normal behavior.
Halo: CE
- Resolved an issue that was causing off-host players to deal more damage than the host in peer-to-peer custom games.
- Updated Derelict to include the Rocket Launcher when selecting the “Classic” weapon set.
- Made improvements to vehicle weapon accuracy.
- Resolved an issue that caused incorrect bullet and grenade collision with an invisible object on the map Derelict.
- Update the “Boxer” controller layout by switching the “switch grenade” and “throw grenade” buttons.
Halo 2 Classic
- Resolved a hitbox issue where shooting an enemy’s weapon from the front would not cause damage.
- Corrected the matchmaking Team Ball respawn modifier from “Inheritance” to “None.”
Halo 3
- Updated Halo 3 Forge to include editing for all game types.
- Made significant improvements to Halo 3 audio, specifically in regards to weapon fire and sound effects.
- Made improvements to Halo 3 multiplayer networking stability.
- Made improvements to Halo 3’s controller “deadzones.”
- Resolved issues that were causing Halo 3 multiplayer stats to not track correctly.
- Resolved lighting and shading issues occurring on the “Sandbox” multiplayer map.
- Resolved an issue where the “Begins with a Single Step” achievement did not unlock correctly.
- Resolved an issue where the Golf Club object did not appear correctly in Forge.
Halo 4
- Resolved an issue where Primary Weapons could display in the Secondary Weapon slot after removing the Firepower Tactical Package.
- Made improvements to voice chat consistency, specifically in team-based matchmaking games.
- Resolved an issue where a player may not hear another player via voice chat after completing a game.
- Improved party functionality, specifically in regards to game invites and joinable states.
- Increased the speed at which the roster populates with Xbox Live friends after completing a game.
- Resolved an issue where players could get stuck on the “Leaving Matchmaking” screen for longer than usual.
- Resolved an issue where players were unable to join immediately after becoming Xbox Live friends.
- Resolved an issue that caused "The Guardians Are Coming" achievement to not unlock correctly.
- Resolved issues that caused complications with Spartan Ops achievements unlocking.
UI, Stability & Misc.
- Made a variety of improvements to UI throughout the title, specifically in regards to notification messages and stability.
- Improved Playlist and Campaign Career Stats tracking for Halo 2, Halo 3 & Halo 4.
- Made a variety of significant improvements to stability throughout the title.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection - Test-Video zum Halo-Komplettpaket
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