Der Entwickler Bungie hat Wort gehalten und jetzt den Patch für den Online-Shooter Destiny veröffentlicht.
Das Update nimmt unter anderem einige Änderungen bei dem Arena-Modus »Prison of Elders« sowie dem PvP-Event »Trials of Osiris« vor. Zudem soll der Patch das wiederholte Farmen der sogenannten Ether-Kisten verhindern, was einigen Spielern sicherlich nicht gefallen dürfte. Auch bei diversen Quests haben die Entwickler nochmals Hand angelegt.
Mehr:So gut ist der Destiny-DLC »Haus der Wölfe«
Die vollständigen Patch-Notes findet ihr wie gewohnt unterhalb dieser Meldung
Patch-Notes für Destiny v1.2.0.2
Key Highlights
- The first Wanted Fallen Bounty completed each week is now guaranteed to drop a Treasure Key
- Greatly increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from the small chests at the end of the Prison of Elders
- Increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from Ether Chests
Prison of Elders
- Greatly increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from the small chests
- Class Items will now drop from Level 32, Level 34, and Level 35
- Fixed a bug in which the Ship (Hildian Seeker) did not drop under certain circumstances
- Fixed a bug in which the ‘Elder Cipher’ Bounty could not be acquired if your Bounty inventory was full
- You will need to defeat Skolas again to receive the ‘Elder Cipher’ Bounty
- Damage caused by Qodron’s Gaze is reduced by 25%
- Damage multiplier for the Jailbreaker buff increased by 100%
Trials of Osiris
- Fixed an issue in which Trials of Osiris emblems were not sent to the Postmaster if your Emblem inventory was full
- Passage Coins can now be dismantled
Weekly Heroics
- Fixed an issue where the Weekly Heroic strikes did not award engrams (Note: Tooltip will not display them as rewards)
- Increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from Ether Chests
- Ether Chests may only be looted once per spawn
- Ether Chests will no longer grant ammo consumables when opened
- Ether Chests will now grant a small amount of Queen's Wrath reputation when opened
- Ether Chests now have a chance to drop Tokens of Flight, Identity, and Judgment
- Petra will no longer display a quest waypoint for players who have not purchased House of Wolves
- Fixed a bug in which players abandoning the ‘Gone to Ground’ quest were still being directed to the Venus Patrol
- The first Wanted Fallen Bounty completed each week is now guaranteed to drop a Treasure Key
- Fixed a bug in which the hotfix mistakenly did not contain the 1.1.1 Fusion Rifle balance changes. As a result, players were playing with its pre-1.1.1 weapon balance state. The original fix has been re-applied.
- Tokens of Flight, Identity, and Judgment can now be dismantled to gain +10 House of Judgement reputation each
- Ammo consumables can now stack to 100
Destiny - Launch-Trailer zur 2. Erweiterung House of Wolves
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